Seventeenth FICT of Xmas

Your Festive FICTS Advent Calendar thingy is here…Robert Rankin and I present to you 24 FICTS, one each day up to Xmas, to bring happiness and mirth to one and all.  And if you like what you see, why not buy a copy of THE BUMPER BOOK OF FICTS, which contains 96 pages of the things in their splendid glory…all illustrated by uber-legend Robert Rankin.  You can get the hard-backed glossy book by CLICKING HERE.

About hokusbloke
30-something radio producer/director/writer, owner & MD of Ladbroke Productions (the UK's oldest independent radio production company). Lover of far fetched fiction, scifi and fantasy, my cats and all thinks tech. I am also the Chair of the Radio Independents Group, a former Trustee of the Radio Academy, and a Fellow of the RSA. I co-wrote, produced and directed Robert Rankin's "The Brightonomicon" audio series, produce Dr Who audiobooks for the BBC, and directed several sci-fi radio plays for BBC Radio 4 in 2009. I am a strong advocate for more SF audio and radio...keep watching this space for upcoming news!

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